Sunday, October 16, 2011

NO FEAR: I've conquered my Pteronophobia

Do you also fear something? How did you know that you are afraid of it? Why do people develop this fear into phobia? I personally know the feeling but, I really don't know where did I get it. Since I was a child I already had a fear of feathers and as I grew old I became curious about this fear and found out that my fear is called Pteronophobia.

When I was still a child and conscious enough to remember things happening around me, I remembered having goose bumps all over my body whenever any kind of bird's feather is near me. I feel my need to shout and scream like somebody's trying to massacre me. I wanted to cry but to realize that it was just a thing, a non moving object, and me, a human, moving and has strength, Its kind'a awkward.Yes, my parents also know about this, but they just let things happen. They thought that it would just be a part of my childhood fears; dragons, monsters, ghosts, ugly creatures. But they're completely wrong. I brought with me this fear until I grew as a teen. Unfortunately, I was still afraid of it.

My friends when I was in high school, who knows me a lot including my phobia, kept it as a secret to protect me from pranks of our classmates. One day the most hard headed among us and me had a misunderstanding and sadly, she used a feather to scare me and I had nothing to do but to cry, I am always the youngest in our class because I started schooling at 3 years old. After that I realized that she's not my true friend, because a friend will not use your weakness against you.

When i reached college, I know and I feel that I still have that fear with me. Last month we had celebrated culturals and I was one of the participants for the dance competition. When we are on the 2nd week of training, our choreographer showed a sketch of what we will wear for costume. I was shocked to see that we will be acting as birds!! Yes, birds and it means we have feathers from head to toe. I cannot back out and leave the dance group because I will be reported then to the office. From that day I conditioned my self and mind that i will be wearing such thing. 

The competition day comes...., I had no choice but to hold the props and wear my costume. I was surprised that I did it. I conquered my fear. I was able to perform well and be comfortable to all the steps that I will do. Actually it was a memorable performance because it was my 3rd year in the institution and that was the first time I joined the dance group to represent the college and it helped me to conquer my fear. Now, I am not just sure if I am still scared to birds and chicken. I don't want to test my courage right now, It just depends if its necessary :D

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