Monday, February 20, 2012

“The Pen of Love"

It was a muggy Tuesday afternoon and the editors of the Pioneer is having a meeting inside their office at the P.S (Professional Schools) building and suddenly the Editor – in –Chief tasked Irish,(the sports editor, a   smart and talented type of girl who easily trust her friends, who believes in the path of destiny and love tragedy, and who can easily attach herself to someone), to cover the upcoming event that will be held in the University for the upcoming month which is the Basketball Tournament and to be able to have a good story she will be needing to interview the Team Captain named Steeve,( the happy go lucky, family oriented basketball hearthrob of the Great Danes . He doesn’t value his education that much he loves to date girls and watch movie at the cinema), to gather facts about their training and past experience for her first article and make a new article for the next publication after the tournament. Right after the meeting Irish called her close friend Annie and told her about the things that she needs to do. Then Annie said that Irish should be careful because Steeve can capture hearts of girls in their campus easily. Then Irish went to the Athletics office at the Main Building and talked to the Coach of the College basketball team named Mr. Tallman if she could interview their team captain just for 20 minutes and then the coach allowed Irish to interview Steeve after their training in the afternoon the following day.

Here comes the day that Irish will interview Steeve. It was a rainy Wednesday afternoon while Steeve and Sander (best friend of Steeve and also a part of the basketball team), was playing at the school’s gymnasium as how they usually train themselves, suddenly Irish came and ask Steeve if she could get just a 20 minutes interview for their school paper article and then Steeve said that he was informed by their coach and expected Irish to come while they’re having their training, then Sander left the two at the court. It was raining hard that day so they need to speak louder and seat closer to one another. Irish started asking Steeve about his likes and dislikes, at first Irish got irritated because she’s not getting serious answers from the boy but when Steeve said that he just wanted to see a smile on the face of a wonderful lady in front of her, Irish smiled at him and said alright let us start the interview proper and the two suddenly laughed and enjoyed each other’s company. Irish got a lot of information from Steeve especially about his basketball career and a little bit of his personal life. Irish then got interested to his life story and look forward for her next interview with the basketball heartthrob right after the tournament. The two exchanged phone numbers and before Irish leave the court Steeve said that he wants to try how it is to be with her but Irish was speechless and just turn around and walk away.

After the interview Irish went to Annie’s dormitory and talked about what happened to her interview with Steeve. Annie was giggling to Irish because it seems that what she said yesterday was true that Steeve could really capture anyone’s heart because he’s a girl magnet. Irish laughed at her and said that it will never happen because she knows how often Steeve go out on a date with different girls and Irish said that she doesn’t want to be one of them and end up to nothing, and said that she always wanted to have a happy and lasting relationship if she’s fortunate enough to have that one. Annie said that she heard stories from other girls that Steeve is a good person, the problem really  is that when it comes to girls he never settle to one, the thing that girls hate most.
Then after a month the official publication was released and copies was disseminated to different colleges of the university. Steeve was informed by Irish that the school paper would be released that day and would be available inside their College office (College of Engineering) then Steeve decided to drop by and get a copy of the issue before going to his class. When Steeve arrived in their room and able to seat and read the article that Irish wrote, he noticed that there was a mistake about the information regarding the recent achievement of the basketball team. Steeve opened this to Sander and said that he will go to the editor’s office right after the class to talk about it.

After the dismissal, Steeve went to the P.S building to complain the article to the editor about the wrong information that was laid. When Steeve arrived at the office, there’s no one inside but Irish listening to her iPod. Steeve entered the room and talk about the matter. Irish apologized and said that it will be included at the erratum on the next issue, but Steeve insisted and said apologies are not enough, he made a deal with Irish to have a date with him or else the school paper’s reputation would be ruined and it seems that Steeve just used the situation to have Irish for a date. Irish then agreed to the idea of Steeve in order to express her apologies. Steeve asked her to watch a film with him in the movie house. When Irish told Annie about their first date, Annie said that all of the girls having a date with Steeve are going crazy to go out with him again. Then Irish asked, what does he do to make girls feel that way? Annie said that she has no idea at all. When Steeve and Sander were on their way home, Steeve mentioned about their date and Sander said that he should not take Irish for granted because she looks different and seems so special.

Then here comes their date, though Irish lack sleep because she finished articles that would be submitted and slept almost morning, she managed to show up to their date. Before the film starts the two shared stories about their selves and felt comfortable with each other. When the film starts Steeve said can I just stare at you and hold your hands? Irish replied and asked if there’s something wrong. Then suddenly the two stopped and silently stare at one another, touching lips to one another like they were friends for such a long time. Irish stopped and think, she asked Steeve if he’s like this to all of the girls that he invite for a date, but Steeve just answered gasps. After that moment the two didn’t speak until they parted. Still Steeve sends a message to Irish thanking her for giving her time to be with him. Irish then accepted it and told Annie what happened. Irish added and said that it’s true you’ll never forget him and straightly left Annie’s dormitory.

Then here comes the Basketball Tournament, different schools were invited to watch the huge event at the University’s gymnasium. Irish came to cover the said event and bid good luck to Steeve before the game starts, and then Steeve smiled and said he was happy that Irish came. Irish replied and said she’ll interview Steeve after the tournament.

This was the day that Victoria, a newly transferred student who’s knowledgeable about black magic and witchcraft with her best friend named Reena saw Steeve, while watching their games she felt affection and wanted to get steeve whatever it takes. While they’re watching the game Victoria started to make a plan on how she’ll get Steeve. Victoria thinks this way because she knows that she and her family is powerful enough to do this with the help of their knowledge about black magic or witchcraft. Reena said that she should not make a move that she will be sorry for the rest of her life because Reena knows that Victoria only like lust and not true love in a relationship and added that she must be careful because she doesn’t know Steeve that much.

Then the tournament was finally done and the Great Danes were able to defend their title for being the champion every basketball tournament across the region. Then   Irish approached Steeve to have him for a quick interview, but Steeve said he’s hungry and they could have the interview while they’re eating. Irish then had to follow him because she needs to. Then Victoria saw them walking outside the school and asked Reena who’s the girl with Steeve but Reena replied and said that she totally doesn’t know because they’re both new in the University, but she promised to ask people around about her for Victoria. Victoria said that they should keep an eye on them because she don’t want seeing Steeve being with another woman it’s as if she owns Steeve.

While they were eating in a restaurant, Irish take the chance to ask Steeve questions regarding the tournament and their recent preparations; after that Steeve suddenly said that he misses Irish so much and she replied why you would miss me? Steeve said, I just don’t know I also can’t understand this strange feeling, you always make me happy and I don’t know why. After their dinner Steeve went to his friend Sander and talked about his feeling. He said that he’s not that sure, but he wants to keep Irish with him. Starting that night Steeve and Irish exchanged text messages until they developed a good friendship. When Steeve needs a help regarding his class projects or assignments, Irish would be there to help and guide him though she’s too busy for the school paper and even if Irish is having a class if Steeve would text him and ask about something she’ll find a way to give a perfect answer. The two was like this for almost a year ,everyday checking if they both feel ok, being there for each other whenever they need advices.
Irish started to think and asked Annie, do you think he wants me? Annie said I also don’t know because if he does so he’ll probably court you right? Irish answered gasps. On the otherhand, while Steeve and Sander were also talking, Sander said why don’t you settle with her and try a serious relationship? Steeve replied and said he’s scared to have her because he might hurt her feelings and she don’t deserve it and added “I am saving he for my future”.

Then here comes Valentine’s Day, Sander planned to secretly send Irish a bouquet of flowers to wake Steeve up, that he’s not the only guy that would like Irish, he just intended to do this to help Steeve choose the right thing and nothing else. When Irish entered their classroom there’s a bouquet of flowers on her desk and she had totally no idea who gave it. After their class she went outside with Annie carrying the bouquet and accidentally saw Steeve also carrying roses, Irish felt sad because she expected that Steeve gave it for her and at the same time Steeve did not able to give the roses to Irish when he saw the bouquet. Annie said he’s carrying roses with him but Irish replied, he’ll probably give it to one of his girls. The roses that Steeve supposed to give to Irish were dumped into the trash.

Then finally Victoria finished doing her plan to get Steeve, she found out that Steeve loves Irish so much. Victoria came up with a spell to divert all the love that Steeve feels for Irish to her by just letting him drink the potion. One day while Steeve was busy packing his things inside the basketball court, Victoria approached him and offered a cold drink, beforehand Victoria already mixed the potion to that drink. Then, because Steeve cannot avoid girls he accepted it and sipped a little, suddenly, he felt                dizzy and weak and it is because of the effect of the potion that Victoria put on his drink. After a few minutes Steeve changed and feel that he love Victoria and the aggressiveness of being with her always. After that, the two spend each day together and Sander was totally shocked when he saw Victoria and Steeve together like they knew each other so much.

The next day, while Irish was eating inside their school canteen she saw Steeve and approached him and talked about the rumors she heard about him and Victoria. Then Steeve answered back a blank reaction. Irish overreacted and thought that it was true because she knows Steeve really want girls to be with him and to change them every now and then. Irish then stood up and chose to leave the school canteen. It was a total heartbreak for her; she went to Annie’s dormitory and burst her tears. Irish was crying for almost an hour and Annie can’t do anything but to help her friend to be calm and accept what is given to her. Annie knows that Irish believes in destiny and without doing anything she will accept what is given to her. When Irish was totally calmed, Annie asked her about her plans, how will she move on? Irish said with total no communication at all and never seeing each other anymore for a long time, perhaps to heal the wounds and to stop asking what really happened to Steeve why he suddenly changed and become so strange including his own actions. Then, Irish decided to stay away and move on.

As days passes by, Irish tried her best to move on and forget her attachment to Steeve but Irish feels that it’s destiny’s will because every day she walks along the school corridor she’ll see Steeve, going to the school canteen they’ll bump to one another accidentally, on her way home she will see Steeve waiting outside she keeps encountering Steeve all the time, even though her mind says that she must not. Even how hard she tries to avoid Steeve there would always be a way for them to see each other. Irish said to Annie that every time she sees Steeve she can still  feel her love for him and feel lonely and sad. Annie then advised her to stop mentioning him and try to make herself busy all the time.

While Reena and Victoria were seating outside, Reena advised Victoria to be careful with her actions and to stop casting spells to Steeve because what she’s doing right now is a bunch of crap and foolishness. First, she steel Steeve from Irish together with all the love and affection that he feels for Irish. Second, she gave a burden to such an innocent person like Irish. To hate Steeve but has totally no idea why she does. And lastly, prolonging the burden of Irish and poor unconscious Steeve whenever she continuously cast spells on him whenever the potion loses its magic. Victoria said that she doesn’t care what other people thinks but all she knows is that, she want Steeve and she will do anything for him.

The relationship of Victoria and Steeve is very sinful because it was under the power of black magic and it came out that Victoria only wants lust in a relationship and did not value any love at all. Steeve was not treated nicely and did not even respected him as a person. Victoria always do this whenever she get interested to a guy and then play with them.

Every night Irish cries and always utter the name of Steeve, she thought that Steeve would fill the spaces in his life and with a snap of a finger all of it was gone.

Its been a year that Irish and Steeve didn’t talk to each other. Here comes the UWEEK celebration of the University a news beat that was assigned to Irish. All of the students are invited especially the athletes of the university. Suddenly Irish and Steeve were able to face one another after a year and while looking to each other’s eyes Irish knows that still she feels something for him and Steeve felt longingness for love and happiness. After the opening ceremonies Irish proceeded at the backstage where they accidentally had the time to talk, just the two of them. Irish didn’t hesitate at all and quickly embraced Steeve, while crying, saying how she waited for Steeve’s answer why he suddenly change. Steeve cannot answer back because the effect of the potion slowly leaving his veins because of the teardrops of Irish flowing on him, tears of love, sorrow and forgiveness. After a while Steeve came back to normal and caress Irish in his arms and seems that he was away for a very long time. He said that its as if he was dead for a long time. Victoria saw the two of them and realized that the power of the spell has been removed. She called Reena and told her about what she saw. She decided to transfer again to another university before somebody discovers their true identity. But because Steeve and Irish were able to fight the black magic away from their consciousness, all the spell that Victoria casted bounced back to her. Victoria discovered that she acquired STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) from her past relationships, because of this Victoria and Reena decided to stay away and find a good formula for the disease that Victoria acquired from his own actions.

From that day Victoria never visited the university anymore where Irish and Steeve met each other. The two made promises to never give up though death comes along their way and no matter how hard and long, waiting is just getting the right time to be with the person you love the most.

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