Monday, September 27, 2010


Goin' out to watch movies is another way to free you from stress. Ultimately, choosing the film that siuts your mood within the day will surely make you feel contented and happy. I just watched a film entitled "THE LEGEND OF THE GUARDIANS : The owls of Ga'Hoole" and enjoyed the great works of Village Roadshow Pictures, Animal Logic under Warner Bros. Pictures. This is a story of advernture that also shows how you should value and appreciate all things in life.

The adventure started when sorren and klud was kidnapped by the of St. Aggie. Before that sorren and kludd really doesn't have a good relationship at all. There was a time that Klud turn his back at his family and chose to be a soldier of St. Aggies. When sorren was brought to Ga'Hoole where great and fierce owls were found, they trained him how to be one of them. When the time comes that he need to use it all he was successful. But the part that really touched my heart is that when he face his brother klud asking for a battle but he refuse to. They were in the forest then surrounded by cut down trees and fire. Klud accidentally loose his balance and must fall from the tree but sorren grab his foot abd try to save him, kludd saw a branch and hold on to that and tried to kill sorren even at his time of death, then the branch broke and he fell to the fire of burning trees.

I am looking forward to more films that will inspire children and the viewers. And will surely teach morals to each of us.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


It was 1:00 a.m in the morning, I was in my room reviewing my lessons for the final exam. I fell asleep I was just awake 3:00 in the morning when I heard my mom calling my dad and shouted that there's something wrong with my lola. I was shocked and easily go down to see whats happening we saw her at the floor lying and saying that she can't move her feet and half of her body anymore. I was worried and pity her. All my life I didn't expect that this one will happen. My mom and dad quickly rushed her to the hospital.

After two hours my dad texted me that she might be stroked and can't move the left side of her body. When I heard this a bunch pf sorrow surrounded me. I even cried and realized things. But I know, we know that she will soon be ok and still can use her feet to walk and hands to hold and with her eyes seeing us. We know that sooner she will be ok. We are just waiting for the good news that she will come back home happily walking and excited to see us all. 

Friday, September 24, 2010

STILL the same

Years, months, weeks, days & every hour and second. STILL can count the last day that this group "EL SENIORES" go on to their own ways. They parted but all for the good of each other to search and discover more about themselves. To know more their personalities. Never loose communication, never forgot to say hello to one another. Still, the groups are alive namely: F4, El Sassy, El Diablo, Stiffler, C.C . Nothing changed all are still the same except for their looks of course. Today is a day of happiness spent together with my friends, one of  
my BEST friends. We shared our own experience. You can really feel how each had evolved and developed from being a childish teen to grown up guys and girls. It's fun to know that all of us had encountered lessons that helped us to face new hard challenges. Still i am looking forward for more outings and bonding moments with them. Next time we'll surely have more stories and happiness to share

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

TIME PRESSURE : It's killing me

CAMPAIGN + QUIZ BEE + DOCUMENTATION+  BOOTH + CASE STUDY + THEORY MARATHON + ORAL EXAM + IMPROMPTU + DEMO SPEECH + SWIMMING CLASS +RADIO DRAMA+ FINAL EXAM!!!! This is just a breakdown of the junk I mean things that I need to finish within almost a week. I have NO time to prepare lesser ideas and a stressful week of rush. Do I need to sacrifice the other to accomplish one? What if I don't? Will I able to accomplish all of those successfully? Well, in times like this I can't say to myself not to panic. When your at panic everything that you'll be doing will be out of your mind that can worsen the situation that you are in to. Well, I think that it's just a matter of time management. Stay awake until midnight? or until morning ? ohh that's almost near to death. Just imagine if this is your daily routine ? Your not sleeping just to accomplish heavy tasks. Well think of a strategy? Don't be afraid to ask for some help from your classmates and friends. Don't pretend to be a Super student who can accomplish things alone and stand out as the most intelligent and smartest earthbound. Well what I just want right now is to finish all of these properly and be able to get good grades and not to expect high grades.

I just hope that I'll earn and not loose points beacuse that one might really lessen my urge to accomplish all of those things. And most importantly we should take things positively. Even though we are rejected from one perspective, it doesn't mean that we will be rejected from all of the things that we will do. Intelligence is not measured in just a single perspective. If we fail once, we should learn and improve what we have done wrong. There is always another chance. Everyday there are new chances and opportunities. We just need to think first before deciding what doing anything to successfully accomplish things and tasks. WE SHOULD NOT TAKE CHALLENGES NEGATIVELY, INSTEAD let's just think that challenges helps us to be A BETTER STUDENT AND A BERTTER PERSON. 

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Time travel: Is it really possible? (Somewhere in Time)

I was mesmerized by the story of the film somewhere in time, a one of a kind film that can hypnotize your mind and feel like you're one of them. When I was watching the film I can't help to predict what's happening next but I can't, the story is very mysterious that it's quite unpredictable. A man and a lady in love got separated by the hands of time. Destiny commanded for them to meet again. The part of the story that really touches my heart is that when the man already met the woman of his life but he doesn't know that old woman who approached him and said : "COME BACK TO ME" is the woman he has been looking for and just realized it after eight years and found out that the woman already died. That's why this man planned to travel in time and search for that old woman. When they already found one another at the same year, right moment and place but the man forget about the time.They enjoy every moment that time that they already have each other.The man knows that when something reminds him that he is not for that time and place he will be awaken and can never go back to his dreams with the woman that he loves. And when the day comes, the thing that reminded him that he is just dreaming is a coin left from his pocket. The man was awaken, he tried to go back to sleep but he can't. He's not even eating nor drinking. All he wanted is to die, to be with the woman he loved. The day has come he already gave up his mind and body. At the end they met again and still with the heavens as witness to love each other. This is a film that I will probably remember for the rest of my life, that two persons form different time can love one another.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

What's the problem with that? That's the way I handle things

Footworks, routines, steps, walks, grooving to the melody and rhythm of the music. But still all of that are despicable without a person's feelings and emotion.What would bring out your endless gracefulness and gliding feeling? What would let you interact to your audience? What would make you feel comfortable and relaxed? It's somewhat that is within you, it is something that affects almost everything when it is damaged or even wounded.It is you emotions! We are just an earthbound on this meat space, everyone cries, laugh and absolutely get hurt when something is not OK. But do you know what's really strikes the person a lot? It's Mr. Embarrassment everybody doesn't want to encounter him we don't want to be judged without knowing us first, we don't want to be criticized unless they know our personalities.

Mr. embarrassment strikes deeply especially in front of a huge crowd. Tearing the person's ego and sometimes destroying it. You doesn't know what's within a person's emotion, mental distress, problems and some heterogeneous things bothering the person's mind. You'll get hurt physically but you'll get wounded verbally a wound that sometimes takes years or probably a decade to heal. It leaves a mark to a person's mind and heart. What's the most powerful aid for this? Its motivation and attention. Don't let that person to loose his/her self esteem! learn to pick your words and avoid pin pointing. Just talk to her personally maybe thats the best thing you can do. Because of that you just added a mark to the wound that is not yet healed.

It strikes deeply especially when you're not used to it, and to the deepest when that person is not that important, when that person does not have something to do with your life. Once is enough, twice is too much and thrice for me give up. Come to think of it where would you get your strength when the people that surrounds you doesn't want to give it. The worst experience in my life I think that I was humiliated. I don't know how to face this anymore. I think I need persons that will help me to uplift myself and not to degrade something inside me that is not yet riped. let me handle it like that, i love to laugh and smile because that's the way you can fake the reality. I have two different world the side that treats me as the most special, the star and the best. In contrary I also have a world of judgments, criticism, and rejections. But let me just consider this world full of darkness as weapon to the other upward world that I have. I have to accept things out, balance and trust to my self. And to those persons that keeps pulling me down. My only message is that: You'll never win, because I trust my self at the most. You are just wasting your time because the more you tear and strikes the weakness of my personality the more it heals and more gain strength and morals unto it.

When everyone it at panic? Smile, relax! When everyone is facing a world of chaos? laugh at it as long as it doesn't affect you, when everything is going wrong Smile and don't think that it's the end of this heedless headlong world. And who cares? what's the problem with that? That's the way I handle things! :D