Monday, May 30, 2011

THE GOLDEN COMPASS (fantasy -adventure)

THE GOLDEN COMPASS IS WRITTEN BY PHILIP PULLMAN AND DIRECTED BY CHRIS WEITZ. This film is similar to the concept of Harry Potter and Narnia they used themes such as dark materials, atheist or anti - Catholic. This film is about a world where a person's soul live outside their body in a form of an animal which they called Demon.Lyra an orphan of Jordan College and her demon Pan and the rest of her friends believes that the missing children are caused by the gobblers.When they have their dinner Layra meets Ms.Coulter and wants her to be Ms. Coluter's assistant and take her everywhere she goes. Before Lyra leaves the master of the college gave to her the remaining alethiometer (the golden compass). This device tells the truth and the master told her that all of the other compass are destroyed.

When Lyra arrived to the house of Ms. Coulter, she told Lyra to put off her shoulder bag, but Lyra refused to follow her because she should keep with her always the golden compass and no one should know about it. Lyra secured the golden compass under her pillow and chose to investigate at the secret room of Ms. Coulter and find out that she's the head of the gobblers who kidnap children. Because of this Lyra wanted to escape with her demon and the gobblers ran after her and she was saves by the Gyptians, this group are alson hunting for gobblers who took Lyra's best friend and also a Gyptian named Billy.
At the port Lyra met a cowboy and advised her to hire an armored bear for their mission. They found in the port a giant polar bear named lorek and said that he cannot go to a battle without his armor and using the compass Lyra tell Lorek where he could find it and Lorek said that he would serve Lyra as her demon.

After Lyra saved Billy she discovered the place where the gobblers put the captured children then Lyra and her demon caught spying in their experiments and the scientist put them into a cage that will separate them that caused pain in both of them, then Ms. Coulter rescued her and brought Lyra to her quarters, when Lyra is awake Ms. Coulter is asking for the compass and Lyra gave a can containing the spy fly which knocks Ms. Coulter and her demon down.
Then Lyra escaped with her demon while the Gyptians and the flying witched rescued the children and fought the gobblers. After this Lyra chose to go with her cowboy friend to give the compass to her father.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Nanny Mcphee & The Big Bang (Family film)

NANNY MCPHEE & THE BIG BANG IS WRITTEN BY EMMA THOMPSON AND DIRECTED BY SUSANA WHITE. Nanny McPhee is as ugly as the children are naughty, so whenever a lesson is learned, one of her disfigurements vanishes. When all five lessons are learned, Nanny McPhee transforms from ugly to beautiful. Lesson 1. To stop fighting (Upper wart disappears), 2. To share (Lower wart disappears) 3. To wrok Together (Eyebrow arranged) 4. To be brave (Hair transformed from gray to brown) 5.To have faith snuggle tooth disappears.

It all started in a farm where 3 children Norman,Megsie and Vincent the children of Isabel Green met their two spoiled cousins Cyril and Celia that was sent to their farm to stay there for a vacation. From the moment that they saw each other they didn't had a good impression to one another and from there they started fighting and lasts all through out the day.

And this would be the time that Isabel would be needing the help of Nanny Mcphee, Nanny saw they situation of the children she tried to stop them but their not listening she bangs her wooden stick and something magical happened the children turned out to be hurting their selves alone and they didn't know why they are doing that, Nanny Mcphee said that it will just stop when they will apologize to one another then no one wants to do it. They were just forced to because the most important thing that they have from their father are the letters he sent to them and they do not want it to be burned that's why they were forced to bid their apologies. Then their mother was shocked that they just quietly go to bed and stopped fighting. Then the first lesson of Nanny Mcphee was accomplished. At their bedroom there were only 3 beds and they need to share Cyril and Celia but no one wants to share, Nanny Mcphee bangs again her wooden stick and share their bed with a goat, a cow and a baby elephant. Lesson 2 accomplished

The children woke up and found the the pigs were missing they join hands with each other to catch the pigs because without those they would have no money. It's not that easy for them to catch the pig and Nanny Mcphee makes sure that they will work hard for it. Fortunately the kids were able to think a plan on how to catch the pigs and their plan was very successful and lesson 3 of Nanny Mcphee accomplished to learn to help each other. Because of this Isabel Green took the children for a family outing and while they were happily celebrating there was a letter arrived form the army saying that their father Mr. Green was killed in action and everyone felt the fangs of sadness.

But Norman feels that his father is still alive and he sought the help of Cyril and NAnny Mcphee to go to the office and inquire about this, because he wants to save their farm he also knows that her mom would sell it for them to start a new life, with the help of the father of Cyril they found out that their father is just missing in action and not killed in action, they easily went back and told their mother and they found out that their Uncle Phil just forged the letter to own the farm, unfortunately there was a bomb descended in their farm and the 5 kids bravely faced this and was able to stop it. With this lesson 4 of Nanny Mcphee was accomplished to be brave and lastly Nanny Mcphee needs to go because she said that they would no longer be needing her and they saw their father arrived with this Nanny Mcphee's 5th was accomplished it is to have faith. 

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sharpay Evans' fabulous adventure (Children/Family)


After the hit movie High school Musical 3 Senior Year which is their graduation Gabriella Montez, Troy Bolton, Ryan Evans and Sharpay Evans go on their own paths.
But Sharpay Evans continue her non stop journey with her cute little dog BOI and her never - ending dream of being a Broadway star. She grabbed the opportunity that was offered to her after her performance @ The Lava Spring Country Club and a famous producer offered her a show in Broadway in New York. But Sharpay needs to convince her dad so that he can give a permission to Sharpay going to a big City and that's in New York. Sharpay seek the help of her friends and made a plan on how she can convince her dad, because her dad believes that she is not yet ready to face that opportunity, but with Sharpay's high-flying self confidence and on how she believes her self she knows that she could do it. And finally her dad gave his permission for her to go and gave her a month to accomplish what she wants but if it will not work she has to come back home and work for her dad.
When she reached New York with her dog Boi, they encountered their first misfortune at the apartment that she checked online she's not aware that they don't allow dogs inside the building that's why she chose to go even though she doesn't have any idea where she can go.

Fortunately she met Peyton (Austin Butler) he is the man that Sharpay's mother is talking about studying at NYU and a very good person. Peyton found Sharpay in the middle of the street alone, worried and too much luggage around her and then Peyton offered the building just in front of his room to Sharpay and because Sharpay has totally no idea where to go and doesn't want to go home  without carrying her success she accepted the help offered by Peyton. Sharpay isn't that happy when she saw the room, she didn't expected that it was like that. Later on Peyton helped him to organize and re paint the room using her favorite color PINK so that while she's staying there she can feel very comfy and relazed with her pet Boi.Peyton is working on his assignment, he needs to find something interesting to put into a film and then he found Sharpay and needed to document all the things that Sharpay does.

Then the day comes that Sharpay needs to attend the audition day for the Broadway show and sadly she discovered the the famous producer wasn't after her but for her dog Boi and the title of the musical is " GIRLS BESTFRIEND" and they would be needing a dog for the bestfriend and they already got a talent for the Girl and she was Amber Lee Adams (Cameron Goodman). Sharpay was very disappointed to what she discovered but because Peyton pushed her to go and let Boi audition for the role she was enlightened that if her pet Boi can enter Broadway neither she can, because she's the owner . Then they auditioned but this is not that easy because there's another person who auditioned and brought his pet with him he is Roger Elliston (Bradley Steven) who also wants to steel the spotlight, ahh I mean wants to be on the spotlight.
The writer and the director can't decide of whose dog is in and they've agreed that they should work with the dogs during rehearsals so that they can measure who's the best dog that can get the role. Then the rehearsals started and the two dogs as well as the owner have their own expertise but Roger is too worried about what Boi can do he planned on how can he distract boi and when Sharpay finds out that Roger is making silly acts she didn't let Roger to win because of his unfair strategies and there it goes the two didn't let one another to have a nice rehearsal with the dogs. But out of their consciousness that countless and Boi fell in love with each other whilst their owners are fighting.

Sharpay didn't know who is Amber Lee Adams on backstage all that she knows is that she's talented and a Broadway star but she didn't know how cruel Amber Lee is to the rest of her colleagues backstage. One day Amber Lee fired her personal assistant just because she forget to bring with her the bottled water of Amber Lee, it just happen that Sharpay was there and Amber Lee says that she will be needing a best friend with her and Sharpay doesn't want to miss this opportunity and without hesitation she quickly say yes!

Rehearsal days passed by the dogs continued to work with Amber Lee as well as Sharpay being her personal assistant I mean bestfriend, because of her idolatry she didn't notice that Amber Lee is not after the friendship but making Sharpay as her assistant. Peyton even warned Sharpay that Amber Lee is just using her and just lying when she told Sharpay that she will request to the director that she wants to be with Boi but Sharpay didn't listen she even fought with Pyton and that's the reason why they didn't talk for days.The truth is that Amber Lee didn't really want to work with both dogs and she wants a solo act, Sharpay heard this when Amber Lee is talking to the Director and Writer and she was totally disappointed to find out that Amber Lee just used and fooled her.

Sharpay talked to Peyton that he was right and say sorry, Sharpay talked to Roger and discussed about she heard and they talked about the plan oh how they will let the crowd know who Amber Lee Adams is, and then they had successfully done it.But the worse is Amber quited and they fired Sharpay for puting Amber's mic on while she's talking backstage where the crowd heard all of the silly things that she said.

Then the last day of Sharpay @ New York came and she was very said that she has to go home and work for her dad nad suddenly the theater pips called her and told her to go there to say that the show is over. But Peyton instead recommended Sharpay for the lead role and let the Directore and the rest of the crew to watch a part of the story that Sharpay and Boi secretly rehearsed and all of them were amazed.

And the performance day came Sharpay's mom and dad was there and also Peyton and Sharpay requested that Boi and Countiss should have role in the show equally. Another dream come true for Sharpay Evans.

Friday, May 27, 2011

The City of Ember (Adventure)

THE CITY OF EMBER is written by Jeanne Duprau and directed by Jon Billington is an adventure, sci- fi, fantasy and family film. It is a story about a world under the surface of the Earth, humans made this when theire world is about to end and placed an instruction to the box that 200 years is enough to stay safely in the underground and also provided instructions of the box that has been passed who became the mayor of the City over the generations on how to escape the city, because there they have no permanent light they only used generators to power hundreds of light bulbs to give light to the City, they don't see the sun,stars and moon either all they have there is darkness and the reason why the two children planned to escape is that the artificial source of light in the City of Ember is failing. They cannot live forever in darkness.

I find it boring at the start, the opening and also the setting but when they started their journey from the assignment day (where they will know what is their future job, Doon Harrow (Harry Treadaway) at first picked the job messenger and Lina Mayfleet (Saoirse Ronan) picked pipework which is the dream job of Doon so that he can able to access the generator and also discover the way out to the City of Ember, the two exchanged papers and it became Lina as the messenger and Doon @ the pipework. Its out of their consciousness that all of the instructions are hidden in a box which is kept at the closet of Lyna because their family was related to the 7th mayor of Ember, this box is passed through generations and handled by the mayor and it stopped to the great great grandfather of Lyna.

Anyway, Doon met a friend at the pipework, an old man and said that he will work there forever but he is not expert in all fields just on the pipes whenever they have leaks. Then they started working on their own. One day Lyna was tasked to send a message to the mayor saying that his ship is in later on she discovered that the mayor is steeling goods. She also discovered the box and started to read the instructions it has a key inside and they need to get the other to the wicked mayor.

Lyna was wrong she thought that she can trust the assistant of the Mayor and unravel the secret that they've discover to his room but the assistant is one of them they want to get the box to her and fortunately the lights turned of for a while because the generator is failing Lyna had the chance to escape, and quicly informed Doon about this. Because of this the mayor wants them to be arrested, that's why they started to make plans on how to take the exit of the City.

But Lyna cannot leave without her cute younger sister named poppy, they discovered devices that they can use to escape and their parents also used when they planned to leave they City also. When they reach the main exit there was a problem about the water level and luckily  Doon has an old man friend who knows how to do it and he helped them to escape usingboat.
After a very long and tiring adventure they reach the top of the Earth and witness the sunrise and when they look where they came from they can just see it but its too deep under and they wrote a message and attach it into a stone then they throw it to that deep hole that someday the people underground will also discover the exit from the City of Ember.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Aliens in the attic (Sci-fi)

      ALIENS IN THE ATTIC is written by MarkBurton and directed by John Schultz is an American family sci-fi comedy film. The adventure started when the Pearsons went for a summer vacation with their children Bethany (Ashley Tisdale), Tom (Carter Jenkins), Jake (Austin Butler), Hannah (Ashley Boettcher), and the twins Art & Lee (Henri and Regan Young) --- they are the kids who defended the planet from silly, dangerous and fully-deviced space aliens.

   The children declared battle against the space aliens that wants to invade the Planet Earth but they worried about the devices that these little creatures are using because they can control adults by just shooting them on their napes but these silly creatures aren't that smart enough because their device cannot control children and that's why the Pearsons children decided that they should fight the aliens without their parents and here they controlled the boyfriend of Bethany he is Ricky and pretended that Pearsons are invited to a family dinner with Ricky's family without their children and they agreed.

These space aliens wants to create a machine that will transform them into bigger creature and call the rest of their race but before they succeed the Pearsons made a plan to attact the aliens , there are 4 of them that they need to eliminate. The Pearsons used fireworks, potato gun and more. The Pearsons even used their Nana (their grandmother) to defend them from Ricky controlled by the aliens, the two fought like an expert Martial Arts teachers and at the end Nana won and when she was back with her own consciousness she said the she feel better and she never  felt that feeling before.

But not all of the aliens are bad my favorite is SNUGGLELUMP he is kind,cute and shy little space alien he's not like the 3. SNUGGLEMUMP became friends with Hannah and helped the Pearsons how to defeat the Aliens, he even prevented other Aliens from attacking the planet At the end though the Pearsons wants to adopt SNUGGLELUMP as a part of their family, SNUGGLELUMP said that he has to go because he has his own family up there. At the end the Pearsons wins the battle against the space aliens and went they're parents are back they went fishing @ the lake together.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Stay away from jerky predictions

Oh yes I once tried to ask for a help of a fortune teller (oops but I didn't pay for it, he's just a friend nearby and I found out that he can, you know foretell events). One thing I noticed is that he can't even specifically tell more about what will happen to my future he tends to generalize things and with that I started to judge if he could really do it. But of course I won't react that as if I am showing that he's FAKE. At the end I just realize that I got interested because my friends also tried I mean in theories "BANDWAGON" effect, but of course to my own consciousness. 

And now year 2011 I got irritated to those persons keep talking about the predictions of " THE END OF THE WORLD", "THE JUDGEMENT DAY!", DOOMSDAY.... I heard this stuff for a numerous times, they gave specific date and time, But hello? can you please count how many times they failed? I mean they always scare peace-loving and happy going people in this world, and when the date and time they gave COMES and nothing happened they will appear and say they just had wrong prediction of the date but still there is this doomsday in this year. At first they said that it will happen May 21, 2011 6:00 pm, I started to observe that day, I just noticed that there's nothing wrong around me except that typhoon Chedeng is coming and that's a yearly occurring thing to countries its just that how strong it will be. Then I opened the television and browse the internet, those who predicted that the end of the world will happen on May 21st changed it to October 21, 2011.

Again and again they just scare people living harmoniously in this world, I heard the news last night that there are persons who tend to commit suicide and already committed suicide because they were frightened by these jerky thoughts.

If you have faith in Him you will not tend to listen to them, because they will poison your brain, I don't know why these persons do this. Do they have supernatural powers given by God to see what will happen next? Why not everyone in this world? So that everyone can be prepared if that issue is true?

Lastly, we should not trust anybody about what  will happen to our near future because no one knows it rather than Him, remember that He holds everything He can change everything even what will happen next.

Friday, May 6, 2011


After my victorious summer experience @ Zamboanga City for joining The 2011 National PRISAA Dancesport category and won 3rd place for Central Luzon, for Pampanga and most especially for AUF. I realized that I should try something new and that's the reason why I decided to go and find a summer job.

Right now I am a consultant representative @ Cyber City Clarkfield Pampanga, I chose to grab this summer job opportunity to experience how it was like to be in a workplace and as a 17 year old college student it was a bunch of new and definitely amazing experience for me. Before getting this position we all undergo training and simulations.

But the worst that I will never ever forget is to be criticized and discriminated by a cruel, imprudent regular agent of the company and served as one of the simulators during the final simulation. Well I know that sometimes in order to improve a part of us we need to accept critics and judgement from others BUT not in the way that they can degrade your personality. My question is this ----- " How can they merely express their criticisms to others and not looking first at their selves? " At this point I can not stand and raise my thoughts because I need to respect that person and the company because still I don't have the rights.  I just quietly walk and closed the door and comfort myself that " NO ONE KNOWS MYSELF BETTER THAN I DO" maybe she said those foolish words to make me a better person under their company or worse with a hidden agenda to kick me out of the team. But I really assure to myself before leaving that door that I will prove to her that she was wrong and that someday she will fully realize that what she said is just a judgement without knowing the person.

Right now me and my workmates are still trying to cope up with the new environment that we have and striving to finish what we started. :D I hope that all of us will have a memorable work experience this summer....