Friday, May 27, 2011

The City of Ember (Adventure)

THE CITY OF EMBER is written by Jeanne Duprau and directed by Jon Billington is an adventure, sci- fi, fantasy and family film. It is a story about a world under the surface of the Earth, humans made this when theire world is about to end and placed an instruction to the box that 200 years is enough to stay safely in the underground and also provided instructions of the box that has been passed who became the mayor of the City over the generations on how to escape the city, because there they have no permanent light they only used generators to power hundreds of light bulbs to give light to the City, they don't see the sun,stars and moon either all they have there is darkness and the reason why the two children planned to escape is that the artificial source of light in the City of Ember is failing. They cannot live forever in darkness.

I find it boring at the start, the opening and also the setting but when they started their journey from the assignment day (where they will know what is their future job, Doon Harrow (Harry Treadaway) at first picked the job messenger and Lina Mayfleet (Saoirse Ronan) picked pipework which is the dream job of Doon so that he can able to access the generator and also discover the way out to the City of Ember, the two exchanged papers and it became Lina as the messenger and Doon @ the pipework. Its out of their consciousness that all of the instructions are hidden in a box which is kept at the closet of Lyna because their family was related to the 7th mayor of Ember, this box is passed through generations and handled by the mayor and it stopped to the great great grandfather of Lyna.

Anyway, Doon met a friend at the pipework, an old man and said that he will work there forever but he is not expert in all fields just on the pipes whenever they have leaks. Then they started working on their own. One day Lyna was tasked to send a message to the mayor saying that his ship is in later on she discovered that the mayor is steeling goods. She also discovered the box and started to read the instructions it has a key inside and they need to get the other to the wicked mayor.

Lyna was wrong she thought that she can trust the assistant of the Mayor and unravel the secret that they've discover to his room but the assistant is one of them they want to get the box to her and fortunately the lights turned of for a while because the generator is failing Lyna had the chance to escape, and quicly informed Doon about this. Because of this the mayor wants them to be arrested, that's why they started to make plans on how to take the exit of the City.

But Lyna cannot leave without her cute younger sister named poppy, they discovered devices that they can use to escape and their parents also used when they planned to leave they City also. When they reach the main exit there was a problem about the water level and luckily  Doon has an old man friend who knows how to do it and he helped them to escape usingboat.
After a very long and tiring adventure they reach the top of the Earth and witness the sunrise and when they look where they came from they can just see it but its too deep under and they wrote a message and attach it into a stone then they throw it to that deep hole that someday the people underground will also discover the exit from the City of Ember.

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