Sunday, May 29, 2011

Nanny Mcphee & The Big Bang (Family film)

NANNY MCPHEE & THE BIG BANG IS WRITTEN BY EMMA THOMPSON AND DIRECTED BY SUSANA WHITE. Nanny McPhee is as ugly as the children are naughty, so whenever a lesson is learned, one of her disfigurements vanishes. When all five lessons are learned, Nanny McPhee transforms from ugly to beautiful. Lesson 1. To stop fighting (Upper wart disappears), 2. To share (Lower wart disappears) 3. To wrok Together (Eyebrow arranged) 4. To be brave (Hair transformed from gray to brown) 5.To have faith snuggle tooth disappears.

It all started in a farm where 3 children Norman,Megsie and Vincent the children of Isabel Green met their two spoiled cousins Cyril and Celia that was sent to their farm to stay there for a vacation. From the moment that they saw each other they didn't had a good impression to one another and from there they started fighting and lasts all through out the day.

And this would be the time that Isabel would be needing the help of Nanny Mcphee, Nanny saw they situation of the children she tried to stop them but their not listening she bangs her wooden stick and something magical happened the children turned out to be hurting their selves alone and they didn't know why they are doing that, Nanny Mcphee said that it will just stop when they will apologize to one another then no one wants to do it. They were just forced to because the most important thing that they have from their father are the letters he sent to them and they do not want it to be burned that's why they were forced to bid their apologies. Then their mother was shocked that they just quietly go to bed and stopped fighting. Then the first lesson of Nanny Mcphee was accomplished. At their bedroom there were only 3 beds and they need to share Cyril and Celia but no one wants to share, Nanny Mcphee bangs again her wooden stick and share their bed with a goat, a cow and a baby elephant. Lesson 2 accomplished

The children woke up and found the the pigs were missing they join hands with each other to catch the pigs because without those they would have no money. It's not that easy for them to catch the pig and Nanny Mcphee makes sure that they will work hard for it. Fortunately the kids were able to think a plan on how to catch the pigs and their plan was very successful and lesson 3 of Nanny Mcphee accomplished to learn to help each other. Because of this Isabel Green took the children for a family outing and while they were happily celebrating there was a letter arrived form the army saying that their father Mr. Green was killed in action and everyone felt the fangs of sadness.

But Norman feels that his father is still alive and he sought the help of Cyril and NAnny Mcphee to go to the office and inquire about this, because he wants to save their farm he also knows that her mom would sell it for them to start a new life, with the help of the father of Cyril they found out that their father is just missing in action and not killed in action, they easily went back and told their mother and they found out that their Uncle Phil just forged the letter to own the farm, unfortunately there was a bomb descended in their farm and the 5 kids bravely faced this and was able to stop it. With this lesson 4 of Nanny Mcphee was accomplished to be brave and lastly Nanny Mcphee needs to go because she said that they would no longer be needing her and they saw their father arrived with this Nanny Mcphee's 5th was accomplished it is to have faith. 

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